Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I've solved the oil/energy crisis (shhh!)

I'm going to need you to keep this a secret. I looked into making this a member-only site, but I'm just going to have to trust all of you to not tell anyone about any of this.* I was pondering, as I so often do, many of life's unanswerable questions, "Is there a God?" "What is the meaning of life?" "Why didn't all the monkeys become people?" You know, questions basic to human nature.
One of these questions, one that I've spent many sleepless nights pondering, seemed to be a matter of simple mathematics: "If you dug a hole through the center of the earth (which I've already started**), could you jump through (usually people say, 'to China' here, but that's dumb)?" Here's what I've come up with:
  • If you jumped into the hole on side A, and fell straight through, you would accelerate all the way to the exact center of the earth(R), thanks to gravity (g). Once you passed the center, you would begin to decelerate at a rate that would bring you to a stop on side B, the exact distance from the center from whence you started. The math is really very simple:

Check it. It's all right there. Air-tight. Find an error, and I'll sell you the rights to it.

Here's the great part. Given this, the time to get from one side of the earth to the other is 42 minutes. That's fantastic! 42 minutes instead of what, like 2 days in an airplane? Are you with me? I am going to revolutionize travel! No more petroleum for travel. You want to travel? Find the hole. Find the hole! That's a great slogan.
But I imagine now you're probably saying, Josh, what if I don't want to go to the other side of the world? That's the beauty of "Find the Hole" travel. It can take you anywhere. You want to go to Paris, Find the Hole, and 42 minutes later voila, mon ami, you're in the home of the Eiffel Tower. You want to go to Argentina? Don't cry (for me), Find the Hole, and you'll be revolting in 42 minutos. A straight shot between any two points on the globe, using only gravity will take you just 42 minutes.
I'm going to harness this potential, and use it to revolutionize travel. No more plane crashes.

Warning: Please be sure to grab something once you've reached your destination, or you'll be falling back home in no time, and we're not giving refunds on that one.

*Unless you know some venture capitalists, then talk it up, and I'll see if I can get you a cut of the action. We can be neighbors on Easy Street.

** Do NOT tell my landlord.


Unknown said...
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where did you copy and paste that from?

Sarah said...

What about the earth's molten core? Does the fee for Find the Hole Travel include a lava-safe suit?

Jim L said...

I am hoping this site becomes members only - I really like their jackets.

DC930 said...

Unfortunately, due to wind resistance, you'll never quite make it all the way out the other side of the earth. I suppose if you drilled a hole in the top of a mountain, and made sure you popped up in a valley on the other side of the world you'd have a better chance...

Unknown said...

As long as I get an issue of SkyMall with my journey, count me in!

Lemania said...
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Lemania said...

I'll help you make the hole, Josh!
What if me make little holes, too? Like hampster tubes!
Holes to Wal Mart! Holes to Applebees! Holes to the cineplex!
Holes to the gas station which won't be needed anymore!