Thursday, June 19, 2008

With Friends Like These...

I'm not sure how to feel about your comments on yesterday's post. Of the five people that felt compelled to publish their comments for the world to see, three of them, that's about 95%, saw fit to ridicule me or my idea. One of them didn't even have the heart to leave his original comment up. Who knows what that one said? I don't even want to guess.
You know, I'm not doing this for my own good.* I'm coming up with real life solutions to real life problems. To the one person who left an off-topic but non-disparaging comment, I say, "Thank you." Thank you for having the decency to not ravage my dream like a new inmate. Thank you for tacitly allowing me to aim high, and not be restrained by the chains of "possibility" or "physics" or "laws of nature."
To the three of you who lampooned my idea and questioned the originality of my work: One of you gets a pass, you're an ex-girlfriend, and you probably feel like you have to do that stuff. But to the other two, I would like you to think about the impact you're having on the world. Do you think Thomas Edison surrounded himself with people like you? Do you think Martin Luther's friends were all like, "No. You can't change the most powerful political and religious entity ever on the earth?" No way. Real movers and shakers ignore the nay-sayers and achieve that which they set out to do.
Given my penchant for both prose and verse, I would like to call to your attention something written by a contemporary of mine. Langston, or LH, as I call him wrote me this in an encouraging note after he saw the ways you people bashed my dreams into the dirt:

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over --
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load

Or does it explode?

Continue to comment as you wish, but consider the impact of your words.
Also, in an unrelated matter, from what I can tell, readership for Josh by Himself has reached at least (drum roll) 7! That's the good news. The better news is that if you're reading this now, that means you're in on the ground floor. You knew about this as soon as it was cool. It's still underground, and I have no plans of selling out any time soon. Pulitzer first, then selling out.

*Yes I am.


DC930 said...

I believe I offered a reasonable suggestion with my mountain/valley scenario. In no way was my comment disparaging to you or your good name. I'm here to see you succeed, my friend.

Jim L said...

I believe in you, Josh. In fact, I made something for you to remember when all of your detractors get you down. Keep your chin up!

Susannah said...

Eight- I am reading this and snorting milk out of my nose in laughter, which is good bc i am allergic to milk. keep 'em coming. *You didn't the implications the find-a-hole could have for warfare. let's hear it.

Sarah said...

I support your big ideas all the way...I just want you to also develop a fire-safe suit so that I don't melt in the center of the earth. I'm looking out for my well-being in this venture as well as quick travel.

EJ said...

Don't even give me that crap about not selling out, because I bet you already have the designs for the "Josh by Himself" t-shirts safely stashed somewhere.

Unknown said...

Where do I get myself one of these "Josh By Himself" T-Shirts about which EJ speaks?

COAT said...

I keep waiting for this blog to be funny. I'll give it a few more weeks.