Public shouldn’t fall for Obama’s rhetoric
The political correctness thought police won’t tolerate what you’re about to read.
I’m throwing the “bogus” flag upon the presidential bid of Marxist-Socialist turned Democrat Senator from Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama.
Somewhere around 75 or so years ago, from out of nowhere a stealth politician arose.
He too sought the nomination for his nation’s highest office; refreshingly different from other politicians of the era. This Austrian born wallpaper hanger’s background is too much like our Illinois lawyer’s. Both reared in single parent households; neither brought much of a resume on the campaign trail. The one hung wallpaper the other hung “present” votes. Neither has an authentic performance record for which the electorate might judge the candidate.
Our lawyer turned Senator keeps some odd company — maybe we should pay more attention to the “community” Mr. Obama keeps as a “Community Activist.” Because the company the paper hanger kept, unfortunately, wasn’t important to the inspired masses of three-quarters of a century ago. This clean and articulate new politician was active in a community of Marx inspired Socialists.
The paper hanger, just as the lawyer, delivered wonderful, inspirational public speeches. Both spoke of the “change” and “hope” their election might bring if people would “believe in” their country. Steeped in a similar class warfare rhetoric; their speeches emphasize the rich were keeping the poor people down.
Meanwhile, energy prices were raging out of control. If the streetcar was late, you’d miss a bank deposit; so now you’ll get more warmth from burning your wheelbarrow full of bank notes than from the coal you’d purchase by the bill’s face value. “Change” would improve the transportation infrastructure.
And in both cases “change” means free health care for everyone, increased equal rights, a retirement income, guaranteed wages, unemployment benefits, free child care, and more gun control. Trains and streetcars would run on time only if their party was elected. The list went on and on. The candidate gave people “hope.” It was the kind of “change” people might “believe in.”
Unfortunately, for both cases, the mass media is mesmerized by the candidate’s rhetoric and oratory style, instead of questioning the unknown candidate’s background extensively.
Without a track record to judge the man by, people simply fall for the rhetoric. The German people had to “believe.” They wanted “change.” And through “hope,” they only had to “believe” what Adolph Hitler and the Nazis said; without questioning what Hitler and his Marxist-Socialists pals had really designed behind the scenes.
Certainly, it was “change.” Did Germany “believe” this might happen? Was this the kind of “change” everybody would “hope” for and “believe in?” These are “just words,” as Senator Obama says. Relativism, whatever anyone wants the “words” to mean.
According to a Daniel Flynn expose titled Obama’s Boys of Summer, ( the lawyer’s community is the Who’s Who of the 1968 Democratic Convention Marxist-Socialist inspired Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground movements.
Michael Klonsky, Carl Davidson, Bob Pardun, Paul Buhle, Tom Hayden, Todd Gitlin, plus Mickey and Dick Flacks. Yes, we ought to know more about this “community” of Marx inspired Socialists our lawyer Barry is “active” in.
The Nazis always knew what their version of Adolph’s “words” meant to them. To the public these “words” were vague platitudes which could be interpreted in any feel good way. Nobody cared to ask what Mr. Hitler’s “words” meant. And too little was known about the National Socialist community he actively kept.
Later, in the spirit of “fairness,” the opposition press was silenced. Guns were controlled, religion was suppressed; and the world again experienced what a Marxist-Socialist actually means by “change.”
Joseph Benning is a U.S. veteran who is originally from Illinois but now calls Lawrence County home. He and his wife have an agribusiness in Lawrence Township. Benning can be reached at
I think that Hitler's name and legacy are really thrown around a little lightly. Let's not forget what this man did. I would be willing to stake anything that Obama will do NOTHING of the sort if he is to win the presidency. Obama's track record may be short, too short for many, but I would point out that Obama has a degree in Foreign Policy, and he was a CONSTITUTIONAL LAW professor at the University of Chicago (which is actually quite conservative as far as prestigious American universities go).
Obama's qualifications are many. Not the least of which is the fact that he grew up in a predominantly Muslim nation. So many people are afraid that he is a closet Muslim, but in my way of thinking, this only shows me that he has a deeper understanding of Islam, and, possibly, what it is that could be the stimulus for the terrorist organizations. The overuse of Obama's middle name is an indication of xenophobia and racism that I got sick of a long time ago.
I could go on about this, literally, for hours, but I want to keep this brief, just to bring this to your attention. I'm sure there are as many unfair and unfounded things being said about John McCain, and they're no less-wrong than this. I've sent this to a lot of you already, but there is a good interview by Fareed Zakaria, who is the international affairs editor for Newsweek, on Here's the link. I'd highly recommend it, and as always thanks for reading.